Estamo-nos a aproximar do SAMHEIN.
Por isso deixo aqui uma pequena explicação (em Inglês - Obviamente) da data em questão. De qualquer forma é positivo começarmos as festividades com uma janta brutal na minha

October 31

This is our first Winter celebration and the day in which the Celtic New Year begins.

It is a time for both beginnings and endings, through death in Winter to rebirth in Spring. In ancient times the Celtic people celebrated the Celtic Feast of the Dead to honor the memories of their ancestors. Witches today often share this custom by lifting the veil between the worlds on this night, when it is the thinnest, to contact their own ancestors.

Spells and Divinations are also performed to do away with old negative patterns or situations and to make room for new life.

Samhain/Samhein is also known as All Hallows' eve, Hallowmas, Samana, Samhuinn and Halloween. The colors are black and orange. Symbols are the cauldron, jack o'lantern, mask, and balefire.
Dieties for this Sabbat are Crone Goddesses, Dying/Aging Gods, Sacrificial Gods, Death and Otherworld Gods and Goddesses.

We think of the year as a wheel or circle. In every year there is a cycle from light to dark and back to light: of growth, reproduction, dying off, and rebirth again. Any day of the year can be the first day of the rest of your life. And when you come around to the same point a year later, you can see how the intervening cycle of days has changed you, and how you have changed from what you were.


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