The Storyteller

O amigo 0'connel disse-me que a partir de agora seria o "Storyteller" e eu lembrei-me disso e decidi recordar um grande filme do final dos anos 80, feito e escrito por um artista do imaginário, do sonho, alegria e felicidade...Jim Henson

e para ti, o'connel :)
When people told themselves their past with stories, explained their present with stories, foretold the future with stories, the best place by the fire was kept for... The Storyteller. - I am a teller of stories, a weaver of dreams. I can dance, sing, and in the right weather I can stand on my head. I know seven words of Latin, I have a little magic, and a trick or two. I know the proper way to meet a Dragon, I can fight dirty but not fair, I once swallowed thirty oysters in a minute. I am not domestic, I am a luxury, and in that sense, necessary."


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